Now displaying: June, 2015
Jun 26, 2015
SMACC-US was phenomenal! An amazing event, superb education, great networking, and fantastic hospitality. Here’s a brief overview of some highlights.
Jun 18, 2015
Best Practice Guidelines are produced by the Royal College for important problems where there is anticipated to be little or no relevant high quality evidence.
Jun 10, 2015
The 3rd in the series on Eye Anatomy. This vodcast looks at the bits that move the eye. Make sure you check out the other 2 vodcasts, bits of the eye and bony parts of the eye as well. Enjoy!
Jun 3, 2015
Soft tissue infections are bread and butter cases for the EM clinician. Adrian Boyle gives an overview of the main take home points from his talk on just this topic at the #RCEMBelfast Conference.
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