Now displaying: October, 2015
Oct 27, 2015
What does the presence of dipstick haematuria mean to you in the context of blunt abdominal trauma? This podcast investigates a recent paper on the topic and discusses its utility.
Oct 21, 2015
When you assess your patient you need to take a good focussed history, make a thorough examination focussing on evidence of respiratory failure/distress and make an assessment to the hydration status of the child, whilst thinking about and taking steps to discount other diagnoses such as pneumonia and Viral Wheeze.
Oct 14, 2015
Andy’s 4th podcast on the eye
Oct 7, 2015
It is most useful in the non-shockable side of the algorithm and can be an aid when considering the 4 Hs and the 4 Ts of the ALS Algorithm
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