Complications of anticoagulation - Dan Horner and Becky RCEM Spring 2018 | New in EM Pelvic Exam for STD | EuSEM18 Felipe Teran NIck Lim - TTE & TOE in arrest PART 1 | New in EM PoCUS for LP in infants | Burns - Stephen Mullen RCEM Spring 2018 | New in EM LoMagHi | EuSEM18 Felipe Teran NIck Lim - TTE & TOE in arrest PART 2 | EuSEM18 Patricia O'Connor Knee Exam
Asthma - Sarah Stibbars RCEM Spring 2018 | PEMFest - Tessa Davies on Scarlet fever | New in EM Kupperman DKA | TERN - Dan Horner | St Mungoes ENT Vertigo | Cauda Equina | New in EM Rates of injury in combined CT Head/Neck studies | EuSEM18 Ellen Weber - EMJ Getting Published | EuSEM18 Stephen Hearns Performance | Elderly Abdo Pain RCEM Spring 2018 | EuSEM18 Rick Body - Chest pain in older patients
This month we have Liver Disease with Katherine Henderson | Sexual Assault | RCEM Flourishing Medical Careers with Matthew Cooke, Taj Hassan and Pro Mukherjee | Death in Children | Moral Injury | New in EM Conservative Rx of PTX in trauma | New in EM ICH in minor head injury in anticoagulation | Ambulatory PE, and an overall wellness episode
This month features New in EM Hallway decision making | RCEM Curriculum with Will Townend | St Mungos - Burns | New in EM qSOFA in the ED | Geriatric Mental Health Mark RCEM Spring 2018 | PEMFest - Ed Snelson on wheeze | New in EM MRI Guided Stroke Lysis
This months podcast features: PARAMEDIC2 | Concussion | Organophosphate / Nerve Gas Tox | PEMFest - Damian Roland - Decision making in Paeds | Measles | Phenytoin vs Levitiracetam for staus | St Mungoes ENT Sinusitis | Acid Attacks
Guideline - Marathons Part 1 | New in EM Head Injury Decision Rules in Kids | Paeds Critical Care - Sarah Stibbars RCEM Spring 2018 | Pituitary Apoplexy | Top 5 PEM Papers RCEM Spring 2018 | St Mungoes ENT Food Bolus | New in EM Vomiting & TBI in Kids | Guideline - Marathons Part 2
Dissection part 1/2|NewinEM Fluroquinolones and the Aorta|NewinEM Steroids for Urticaria|Sore Throat|St Mungos Epistaxis
This month we have Traumatic cardiac Arrest Part 1 & 2 , Do you know how and when to undertake a resuscitative thoracotomy in traumatic cardiac arrest? & Do you open the chest in blunt trauma? Do you know the basics well and do you rehearse and deliver the simple interventions quickly and effectively in traumatic arrest? | Should we have a geriatrician on the trauma team? | How do you make end of life decisions in the trauma bay? How do you avoid opiate overuse in elderly trauma patients? | Can we clinically predict which patients might benefit from thrombectomy for stroke | Can we use higher D-Dimer thresholds to avoid imaging low-risk patients for PE? | Does a greater occipital nerve block help with the treatment of migraine
This podcast was initiated by the survivors and relatives of aortic dissection in the group Aortic Dissection Awareness UK
New in EM Aortic Dissection Risk Score | Contrast Nephropathy | New in EM: IO Access in Cardiac Arrest | Dan Horner: Age Adjusted D Dimer | Chris Walsh on FOAMed | New in EM: Massive Paracetamol OD | Social Media Awareness | New in EM: IV v PO paracetamol
This month we have Mike Faraquar EMTA | New in EM Lever test for ACL tear | PoCUS New in EM | Section 136 | Fin McNicol on media training | New in EM ADRENAL Study | Trauma - Andy & Jon Jones
Introduction | Kerstin De Witt - DOAC use and reversal | New in EM Chloride restriction in ED | VTE Dan Horner Lower Limb Prophylaxis | Trauma - Andy & Jon Jones | AKI with Jacob De Wolf | New in EM paeds procedural sedation | Jeff Kline - facial expression and affect in diagnosis | Damian Roland EMTA
Introduction | Top 10 Papers 2017 - Andy & Rick Body | Jeff Kline - empiric lysis in PE | Myasthenia | Fever in traveller - Nikki & Nick Beechings | DFTB Nikki Deb Shelshear Sedation | St Mungo's Delirium | Compassion Fatigue - Andy & Caroline Leech
Section 1 - St Emlyn's, Section 2 - Paper 1 - Thrive Trial, Section 3 - Trauma, Section 4 - O2, Section 5 - Paper 2 - Pik on Antiemetics, Section 6 - Rosa Macnamara, Section 7 - Chris Walsh, Section 8 - Tetanus, Section 9 - Paper 3 - Rectal Massage & Outro
Welcome to the new format podcast. From now on you’ll be getting a monthly podcast with lots of different segments to try and cover as much as we possibly can